Objectives of the CDP:

I) Provide mentorship and guidance to the next generation of EHS scientists to inspire independence and career growth.
II) Provide opportunities for EHS scientists to advance into leadership roles both within the UA and on a national or international level.
III) Integrate other scientific disciplines into EHS research by cross-training and collaborating with established scientists.
Components of the CDP Individual Career Development Plan:
- Cross-Training Mentorship: Early-stage EHS faculty (“Mentees”) are paired with established researchers within the SWEHSC in an effort to incorporate multiple scientific disciplines and support Mentee research.
- SWEHSC Speaker Series: Once a month, Mentees have the opportunity to network with established guest speakers who are involved in cutting-edge EHS research.
- Seminars: The CDP provides each Mentee with a personalized seminar plan to maximize resources and knowledge provided by the University of Arizona.
- Anti-racism and Cultural Awareness: All SWEHSC members participate in training and discussions that address how structural and systemic racism impact environmental justice and public health.
- Instrumentation Training: The UA Core offers hands-on experience with advanced instrumentation and the associated applications.
- Grant Writing: Mentees have access to workshops and courses to improve their grant writing skills.
- Regulatory Training and Responsible Conduct of Research: Mentees follow established guidelines to ensure safe, legal, and ethical research conduct.
- Community Engagement and Media Training: Research findings of Mentees are translated and disseminated to the public in an effort to inform and involve the public in environmental health science and research.
Mentors and Mentees meet biannually to discuss career progress and IDP milestones. The results of these meetings are reported to the CDP to assess the effectiveness of each Mentor/Mentee pairing.