Public Activities


CEC participates in community-sponsored activities throughout the year.  To request assistance for your project or program please contact Sofia Forier-Montes at

The Community Engagement Core supports community groups in a variety of ways, to provide up-to-date environmental health information and access to Southwest Environmental Health researchers for presentations, and information, and to answer questions of concern to groups and individuals.

Examples include:

  • Advisor, concerning community outreach, to the Joint Air Toxics Assessment Project (JATAP), which monitors air quality in South Phoenix and several American Indian communities in the Phoenix Valley.
  • Information Walks at community events
  • Presentations to small and large community meetings


The community engagement core has been attending the Unified Community Advisory meetings of the TCE Superfund Cleanup site in Tucson since 2002.

Unified Community Action Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of January, April, July, and October. Meetings are held at the El Pueblo Activity Center, 101 West Irvington Road, Tucson, from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Membership is open to all community members.

  • The COEC supported them in their desire to teach local high school students about the TCE (trichloroethylene) contamination and cleanup with an interdisciplinary curriculum, click here.
  • Set up opportunities for UCAB members, Possible Responsible Parties, and EPA officials to speak to classes and groups of students and teachers.
  • Held a TCE Symposium for Sunnyside Unified School District teachers and administrators in January 2011.
  • SWEHSC investigators and outreach core will provide education to support the need for a new plant to remove 1,4-dioxane from city water. RFG1 members will assist with presentations and materials development. To read more about the new plant click here.
  • 2018-2019 documents about the Superfund Site: in English click here and for Spanish click here.