Yin Chen

Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Skaggs Pharmacy, room 232
- PhD, Genetics, 2001, University of California, Davis
Dr. Yin Chen is a member of RFG2. His research interest is to understand the dysfunction of airway epithelium in the pathogenesis of a variety of acute and chronic airway disease including asthma and COPD. His focus is the translational research that connects the basic mechanism and the clinical observation. Dr. Chen has established a productive track record in the field of airway epithelial innate defense with more than 30 publications. Since his arrival at Arizona, Dr. Chen has established several joint projects with other SWEHSC investigators and has brought in more than 2 million federal and state grant funding.
Environmental research interests - Airway epithelial signaling transduction, transcriptional regulation, function of epithelial mucin genes, innate defense against viral and fungal infections. Molecular pathogenesis of asthma, asthma exacerbation, and COPD.