Cellular Imaging - Personnel

Cellular Imaging - Personnel

Doug Cromey image
Douglas Cromey, M.S.

Director, Cellular Imaging Facility Core
Researcher/Scientist IV
Core Facilities, Research, Innovation & Impact
Office: Life Sciences North 463 (map)
Voice: (520) 626-2824
FAX: (520) 626-2097
Email Mr. Cromey

Mr. Cromey was hired in the first year that the SWEHSC was funded (1994). He has over 40 years of hands-on experience with clinical and research microscopy (electron microscopy, light microscopy, confocal, superresolution, live cell imaging, & image analysis). Mr. Cromey is the person to contact for SWEHSC investigators and their lab staff that need assistance with microscopy and imaging.

In addition to his responsibilities with the SWEHSC, Mr. Cromey is the co-manager for the RII Imaging Cores - Optical, training & supporting users for the superresolution fluorescence microscope (Zeiss Elyra S.1), the multi-function brightfield/fluorescence widefield microscope (Leica DMI6000) and the multi-function Zeiss Axio Observer 7 with Apotome III (new in 2023). He is also an Image Data Management Specialist for the University of Arizona's Data Science Institute, supporting users of the Open Microscopy Environment (OMERO) server that has been set up to help campus researchers comply with the 2023 NIH requirements for data management and sharing. In the past he has worked in diagnostic electron microscopy, managed a histology service lab, supported several confocal microscopes, and a multiphoton/confocal.

Mr. Cromey is actively involved in providing training and training materials for users. He has created a collection of web pages that are educational resources about different types of microscopy, written a number of handouts that are available online, contributed content to the RII Imaging Cores - Optical YouTube channel, spoken at local workshops & national meetings on the topic of digital imaging ethics, and much more.

Mr. Cromey was recognized with the 2014 University of Arizona Award for Excellence. In 2021 he was nominated for the University of Arizona's Billy Joe Varney award which "recognizes outstanding performance by dedicated and committed University employees for a career of at least 15 years of service."