

Appointment as a SWEHSC investigator is based on the following criteria, which serve as guidelines for new and continuing appointments.

  • Investigators maintain an active, extramurally funded research program with a focus within the broad scope of the NIEHS mission.
  • Investigators collaborate with colleagues within the SWEHSC to conduct interdisciplinary research in accord with the NIEHS mission.
  • Investigators participate in the activities of the SWEHSC research program with which they are affiliated.
  • Investigators contribute to the educational and outreach activities of the SWEHSC CEC.
  • Investigators actively utilize the SWEHSC FCs in their research.
  • Investigators contribute to SWEHSC research training and career development activities.

Currently, there are 4 key SWEHSC personnel and 59 investigators who are members of one or more of the three Research Themes. Although the members are listed by their primary research themes, collaboration and interactions across themes occur, and are encouraged with support by SWEHSC.

Key personnel are defined as SWEHSC participants who play an active and essential role in the Center, either within the FCs or as advisors. These include three FC Directors (D. Billheimer, D. Cromey, and G. Watts),  and the CEC Co-Director (M. Vargas).

Member groups: